Credit Check/Gut Check

Want to start a law office? Me Too. Regardless of your knowledge of the law, we need MONEY! The most common place to get start up mony is from a bank. But before you go walking in and ask for some dough....find out what you are asking. What kind of credit risk are you? You need to pull your credit reports. Pulling your credit report used to cost money. Recently our government forced each of the 3 major credit bureaus give us one free credit report annually.
Yep, you can get a free credit report courtesy of the federal government. Thanks Congress!
It is important that you pull all three credit reports and scan them for errors. Also, Do it now! It is very common for errors to be on a credit report...but getting the errors taken off can take over a year!
When you apply for that loan the bank will pull your credit report. They will judge your creditworthiness based on that report. Don't go into that process blind. Know your credit and be ready to address any negative marks before your would be lender does.
Thanks Rick, That raises a good point. "Consumer-initiated credit report requests" are when you authorize a third party to view your credit report/score. However, Private requests...such as those made through the link in my post are not factored into your score. Again, Rick raises a good point...Don't go all over town allowing credit inquiries(cell phone, Dept Store charge cards, Auto loans, Student Loans, etc) Or that will have a negative effect on your credit score.
Lastly, Rick where did you get the "10%" Number? I would love to get a look at the exact percetages that the credit bureaus use to configure scores.
Sunday, April 09, 2006 6:17:00 PM
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