Full Steam Ahead-->

What a week! Belle and I announced to our landlord that we would be breaking our lease and moving to Stillwater. He was so supportive and kind. It goes to show you that if you pay your rent early every month,overseed the lawn, and plant flowers in the spring--even landlords can be generous!
Also, we have started procedures to get our new residence in Stillwater. There is a family there now so I'm unsure how long it will take them to move on but we are shooting for June 1st.
The Summer and Fall schedules came out this week. I have arranged my schedule so that I am only in Tulsa 2 days per week for each session. Sooooo....I should be able to get a reasonable part time job in Stillwater. (incidentally, no word from the Payne Co. DA...) I suppose the phone call and spectacularly packaged resume didn't get thier attention so I'll be making a personal call next week. Sometimes, you just have to wear them down until they reject or accept you.
Tomorrow I'm taking the legal intern exam so if all goes well I should have my "limited license" all but in hand.
Next week I have two finals due and the following week it really hits hard. Eddie Mello and I are still taking time to attend the OK-bar association's CLE New Lawyer Experience.
Check out the program through the link...it looks very exciting. Eddie and I are justifying the trip on the assumption that we will quiz each other over corporate law on the 3.5 hour road trip.
Hang in there- government employers are notoriously slow to hire. It has to do with the bureaucracy in place to prevent challenges and discrimination (also, probably, centralization of HR, if OK is like my state). Your story with the landlord illustrates my life philosophy perfectly - when you're doing what's right for you, in alignment with your "higher purpose," the universe clears your path.
Saturday, April 15, 2006 2:04:00 PM
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