Cheep Cheep.

I'm cheap. I'm frugal. I think that paying retail for anything is self-treason. So I bought these 4 office chairs for $35 bucks --total. I got them from a couple of Irish exchange students leaving the country. I like the style (Belle is vying for a mod look to match the office). The fabric looks ok. Belle will likely restain espresso and put Orange fabric on (remember we are in OSU - Cowboy land). So the money saving tip o' the week is this: check the local postings at nearby campuses. As the students leave, they dump a phenomonal amount of office chairs/desks/computers/printers/etc. So get yours...!
That's a pretty sharp idea!
I'm enjoying following your business epic. Keep up the good posts!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 4:19:00 PM
Yeah, new is definitely NOT the way to go. I have the good fortune of having a lawyer friend who's getting out of the business and therefore has a load of stuff to sell me for my new office on the cheap. Moving students are definitely a great source of cheap furniture also, as I have personally experienced from both ends of the transaction.
Thursday, May 04, 2006 9:03:00 AM
the brown/orange combo will look AWESOME!
Thursday, May 04, 2006 1:04:00 PM
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