Off and running!

Whew, Just wanted to let everyone know that just over a month ago I launched Anthony Law Firm, PLLC.
My first month was fantastic. Dozens of new clients and just as many new legal issues. The small firm life suits me well. I get to meet with my clients and really get to know them. Just last week one of them actually gave me a hug. It caught me off guard at first but when I realized that he believed I was doing a good job and put his interests first, it all made sense. Oh yea...this is why I went to law school. So many lawyer jokes end with so many bad feelings toward the profession. However, I'm proud to say that that Payne County, Oklahoma is filled with honest and hard working lawyers and I'm as proud as anything else to be one of them.
So for all you who want to make the solo leap, take this as a bit of positive encouragement. Opening your own firm is easy and rewarding. As long as you think hard work is easy (read, looooooooong nights working while your family is sleeping) and rewarding is having a guy give you a bear hug on Main Street.
Well, I've got to be in court tomorrow morning on the Prelim docket and then back in the afternoon on the arraignment docket. See you there...or elsewhere!