Contributing factors...

I assume it is common for us aspirational solos to stay up worrying about money. I feel kind of like talking about myself behind my own back. (That Luke guy...sheesh man...I mean, doesn't he see that it just ISN'T going to's the numbers man-they don't add up) Or something like that.
Anyway to compoud the problem of being broke and trying to start a solo, we have the added expense of moving. So that meant that Belle had to quit her job and look anew. I'm proud to say that Belle has two interviews in Stillwater today! Hooray! Both are with Okla. St. Univ. so those benefits would be nice.
I am still unemployed. I have yet to hear back from the D.A. (though his office told me he was out of town last week) so I'm hopeful. So while Belle is interviewing today, Luke is going to be out hustling a job for himself. So wish us luck!
Luke, man, you are definitely NOT alone. It's the single scariest part of soloing for me, with "getting clients" (which is really the same thing - getting money) a close second. My only advice is this: if it's keeping you up nights, it's affecting your health, so look into meditation. Also, consider whether 'tis better to start bold and underfunded and hungry, or to wait a bit more and start well-funded and relaxed. The answer truly isn't in the question - I have no idea. I'm leaning towards underfunded and hungry right now myself, but only because I have a miserable dayjob situation. If I were unemployed, I can imagine things might look different.
Monday, May 08, 2006 7:33:00 AM
Thanks Basquette,
Did you see this article on MyShingle recently?
Monday, May 08, 2006 8:01:00 AM
I did! I think it's fabulous. I was planning a post about it over at the Basquette Case later this week.... what do you think about it? Can personality alone drive a new solo?
Monday, May 08, 2006 12:44:00 PM
I think that personality can drive a fact I'm counting on it. Success comes from hard work. When LBJ first ran for the Senate (uphill battle)he said, "If you do absolutely everything, you'll succeed." I like that. Hanging out at the courthouse all day in a suit hoping for clients isn't very "Denny Crane" but I'm betting that will get me more clients than just repeating aloud, "Luke Anthony--name on the door".
BTW--Basquette- I read your blog this AM and you seriously need to call in sick and go fishing- those suckers are sure to be biting this time of year. You'll feel better-trust me.
Luke Anthony--name on the door!
Monday, May 08, 2006 8:10:00 PM
Go for it, Luke! All it takes is one client - then more will come. It is good that you are starting to think about potential clients before you open your doors. In Oklahoma can you ask the court to put you on a list and appoint you as counsel? I have been told that in VT a great way to get started is to get to know and be loved by those at the courthouses and then throw your name in the hat for "court appointed counsel" assignments. I know a very successful solo that started out that way and I'm thinking that that will be the first thing that I do after I pass the bar. I hope that Belle's interviews went well.
Monday, May 08, 2006 8:45:00 PM
Moral Turpitude:
No. I want to be a full time solo. HOWEVER-I do not graduate until December So I need to be working until I am admitted to the bar (hopefully next April). So...that is the purpose of this blog...a "one year countdown" if you will.
Pink Letter:
Thanks for the advice. I agree that getting on the court appointed list is a great way to start--which is one reason why I really want to work for the DA.
Also, Thank you for asking-Belle's interviews went VERY well. She is amazing. It turns out that one of jobs was looking for someone with PR & development experience that meshed perfectly with her resume. And she looked amazing-she wore her "Jackie O" suit..all that was missing was a pill box hat!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006 3:54:00 AM
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